Confidential Document Shredding
Surrey & London
Archive Storage Solutions Surrey
Steve Frieze Document Shredding Wallington offers a full document, letter and paperwork shredding service. Services provided from their warehouse on the Wallington Croydon borders.
The unauthorised use of personal and business data is one of the largest threats to your business. Our shredding service is fully confidential, destroying your unwanted and unnecessary paperwork is the easiest way of keeping your business details safe.
Every business requires destruction and shredding services. Discarded documents that holds confidential data should always be shredded or destroyed. Without this service your private information could end up on a dump where it can’t be protected.
Data and Document Shredding
The data protection act obliges companies to safeguard the information of their employees and clients. The best and safest method of complying with the act is to the shredding of documents.From a risk management perspective, the only acceptable method of discarding stored records is to destroy them by a method that ensures that the information is destroyed or shredded.
The date that these documents are shredded should be recorded. This may be a legal requirement in some instances. We will provide you with a destruction certificate for your records. Prices are £3 per archive box (if delivered to our warehouse) or £4 per box if we collect them. We will collect any amount over 10 boxes for free.
In circumstances where you have a large amount of documentation to be processed Steve Frieze Document Shredding Wallington can assist. We can pick up the information for you and deliver it to our Wallington Warehouses.
Additional Shredding Services
One off shredding service
We start from shredding household documents to declutter your home as little as one Archive box or a small bag of shredding so feel free to call us to arrange with Prices as low as £3 + VAT.
Regular Shredding Service
We can collect shredding bins or provide them for you to fill and we can organise a weekly or monthly collection as an agreeable rate.
Document shredding
We work for companies across various sectors and destroy highly confidential documents which become illegible after we have disintegrated them.
Archive Shredding
If you have pallets of leaflets, documents, or any paperwork you no longer need then we can collect in vast quantities and securely shred and recycle them.
Uniform Shredding
If you have old uniform which you would prefer didn’t get into the hands of a fraudster for example then we can destroy then securely, we first remove all logos and destroy them, these items are then fully shredded and disposed of or recycled where possible.
Product destruction
If your company has re-branded and you have old stock or promotional items, we can offer a destruction service removing all compony logos prior.
Freight and Cargo disposal
Have you ordered a 40ft container of the wrong item or they have defects? We can offer destruction and disposal or recycling where possible.
High security/Confidential data destruction
Do you have personal data held on old computers, tablets, laptops, usb sticks, floppy discs, CDs or hard drives? We can offer destruction and disposal or recycling where possible.
Shredding is a Joy!
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Industry Sectors
We can offer our services to the following sectors and more.
- Banking and finance
- Health and Social Care
- Public Sector and Government
- Schools and Education
- Housing offices
- London Boroughs
- Retail
- Legal
Steve Frieze Business Solutions
At Steve Frieze we offer a range of services for business. We know you are busy, we know that you require a cost effective and efficient solution to your needs. We offer a range of services that enable you to do your job, while we do ours!
We offer the following services to our business partners;